Monday, March 4, 2013

The Final Oblivon

First off, let me start by saying that I have created a new blog under a different title: Peira Noid's Stuff.

Second, there won't be any new posts here as the title suggests, this is the final post.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

My first lesson.

My first talk I did at sacrament meeting was about the family proclamation. It was done on the last day I should have done it. It was hard to start it, and back then, if I started something, I would head towards the end.

I had already done many testamonies, so, talking was a piece of cake. It was a bit short if you ask me, it was only a page filled on both sides.

It was tough coming up with the talk, but easy to speak about it.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Temple trip for the unliving dead.

As soon as I got in the car, I knew it was going to be very crowded and noisy. Despite my weakness, I managed to get to the temple in one piece. The temple was beautiful. I had only dreamed of such sculptures.

Doing baptisms for the dead was like getting baptized over and over. Soon as one was finished, down I went again. I'm glad I did something for those that didn't know about the church, though.

Over all, it was a fun and quiet experience. I wouldn't care if I had to do it again.


Well, two firesides happened while I supposed to write them, so I'll just talk about the first.

The talker:
Hilarious and serious at the same time. He was also very interesting as well. He talked about all sorts of stuff, like meeting famous people, his son, and when he had to choose between two roles.

The talk:
It was interesting, kept me listening, and I never really had any questions, as he explained everything so well.

The refreshments:
Brownies, cookies, and veggies. Yum.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Winning Basket and Gaskets.

I scored a winning basket. Haven't really scored any against real teams, but I help out the team.

I blowing out a lot of gas. It might be the Pizza.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sorry for no posts.

I'm lazy.

Any way, a lot has been going on. I've begun a animated movie. It will be around 30-45 minutes. What is it, you may ask? Look at my homework binder.

Portalfire. That's right. The plot is a old man that was once part of a secret government society, accidentally drops a gun, on this kid's lawn. The kid goes through it with the gun and begins a huge adventure.


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Some weird sickness or something.

Dangit, why do I always have weird stuff happen to me?
Anyway, it's some type of dizzyness and cough...
I've looked it up online, but there really wasn't any cure.

Anyway, I bought a Rex online. If it doesn't come today or tommorow, I'm talking with Target. I've used up a good 30 bucks on it.

Also, weird pictures like these, show up in my Pictures: